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Mustangs Fall to Division I Harcum

Mustangs Fall to Division I Harcum

The Montgomery County Community College Mustangs men's basketball team opened their season with a tough matchup against the Division I Bears of Harcum College. 

After a few minutes of even play, the height and physicality of the Bears got the best of the Mustangs, who found themselves trailing 22-45 by half time. In the second half the Mustangs did all they could to close the gap, but ended up outpaced 38-60. The game concluded in a 105-60 victory for the Bears.

In a bright spot for the Mustangs, sophomore Ron Melton tallied 16 points in the effort, landing 10 of 13 free throws in the game. Also playing well were Jalil Shafi and Dexter Shy who notched seven rebounds each.