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Mustangs Men's Soccer Lost Tough Season Opener 2-3

The Montgomery County Community College Mustangs Men’s Soccer Team lost a tough game by a score of 3-2 on Wednesday afternoon. They played the Bucks County Community College Centurions, who are the reigning EPCC Champions from a year ago.

 The Mustangs jumped out to a 1-0 lead early on a goal by first year player Tom Dempsey, but Bucks answered quickly to tie it at 1-1. The Mustangs then retook the lead 2-1 on a goal by Ryan Nelson and assisted by Michael Wambold. Both are also first year players who are already making big contributions. Bucks answered back and the game was in a 2-2 deadlock at halftime. 

The second half was scoreless for a while, but Bucks got a big goal to take a 3-2 lead about halfway through. The Mustangs had a few chances but were unable to get the ball in the net. 

They played very tough against the best team in the league. Though a loss, they showed a lot of heart and will definitely be ready to show improvement for their next game. Both Bryan Hare and Nick Hulayew played one half each in goal for the Mustangs. They combined for 10 saves against 13 shots on goal. Head Coach Andy Kelly said after the game, “It was a good measuring stick to play well against the defending champs. We hung in there, but I know we can play a lot better.”