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Women's Soccer Defeats Camden 1-0

Women's Soccer Defeats Camden 1-0

Camden, N.J. - On Saturday Oct. 8., 2011 the women's soccer team traveled to Camden, N.J. to take on the Camden County College Cougars.

The game turned into a 90 minute defensive struggle as Mustangs goalkeeper Maddie McPhee and her defense fought to stifle every scoring attempt made by the Cougars. The Mustangs defense was led by Danielle Lillo, who helped her team achieve a 0-0 tie by the end of regulation time.

The game went into two overtime periods until Liz Mencel served the ball inside the 18 year box where Avina Smith was able to punch it in for the win.

Mustangs Head Coach Tom Haney commented on the team's success. "The entire team worked hard and was rewarded with our first Mustang win of the year."